First meeting of the year

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 03 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Rotary Community Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic First meeting of the year
Meeting Agenda Welcome members Felicitation of members on their birthdays Comments of members about Installation and details of felicitation of Doctors and CAs Inviting opinions from members for improving the assimilation i the club
Chief Guest Nil
Club Members Present 23
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the regular meeting of the club held on 03-07-24 at Rotary Community Hall at 8:30 PM 1. No. of Rotarians present: 23 2. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. After National Anthem and Four-way test (Read by Rtn. Sanjay Zemse), President welcomed all members. Birthday wishes were passed on to respective members and their family members. 3. Rtn. Rajendra Jagtap gave a brief explanation of Installation on 25-06-24. Members suggested that guest list is to taken up a little more seriously and preferably confirmation of attendance should be asked for. There was another suggestion that Varma Memorial awardee should be given some time to speak about himself and we should explain to the audience what this award is and how it is initiated. 4. Rtn. Sanjay Patil briefed about the project to felicitate Doctors and CAs on 01-07-24. President recognised Sanjay Patil, and his two team leaders viz. Rtn. Suresh Khedkar and Rtn. Rajendra Jagtap. 5. Members suggested that advance information should be given about projects, so that more people can participate. Secretary assured that this suggestion will be implemented. 6. There was a discussion about the frequency of club meetings. It was ultimately agreed that, since we need more assimilation of members right now, we shall continue to have weekly meetings at least for the next three months and we can reconsider the issue after that. 7. President suggested that we need a membership drive on a priority basis. Tapping ex Rotarians for membership was suggested. It was agreed by the members that when we are taking ex Rotarians, there should be a secret balloting to ensure that we can screen the re-entry of old members. If the proposed old Rotarian gets 10% negative vote, the proposal is not to be entertained. 8. Rtn. Sunita Chavan informed that installation of interact office bearers of JCMM is scheduled on 12 July at 10:30 AM and that of Shishu Mandir on 13th July at 3:00 PM 9. Rtn. Dr. Ravi Tilak agreed that tree plantation can be done at his farm house on 21-07-24 10. Treasurer Rtn. Subhash Agarwal presented the unaudited accounts of the club for 23-24. It was discussed and clarified. It is to be sent for audit. 11. Our next meeting is proposed to be a family night, sponsored by three Rotarians (Rtn. Abbas Kothari, Rtn Nailesh Majethia and Rtn. Sunita Chavan). There will be slide show about their recent trips to Europe. 12. After vote of thanks and secretary’s announcements, meeting was adjourned. 13. Dinner was arranged by club and Rtn. Sanjay Bondarde sponsored ice-cream