BOD Meeting

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 26 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 20:00:00
Location Rotary Community Hall, Bhanvaj
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting
Meeting Agenda Decide meetings/membership plans Discuss project and meeting of next month: Blood donation drive District RYLA for interactors Membership development drive Interact Installations in next month. Tree Plantation
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 11
Minutes of Meeting 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. Following Rotarians were present 4. Secretary Rtn. Divakaran Pillai read the minutes of the meeting held on 14-06-24, and it was approved by the members. 5. Club meeting for the month of August were planned as under:- 07-08-2024 Business meeting 14-08-2024 Guest speaker – Mr. Deepak Patil (Arranged by Rtn. Dr. Nalini Ramaswamy) 21-08-2024 Family night – Raksha Bandhan with Innerwheel club 28-08-2024 Slide show on Char Dham Yatra (Rtn. Anil Khalapurkar) 6. Projects planned for the month of August 24 1. Installation of interact clubs 2. Blood donation drive 3. Tree Plantation 4. Sanctioned upto Rs. 15,000/- for a district RYLA for interactors 5. Membership drive to be taken up 6. Reporting interact clubs to RI site 7. Medical check-up of interact teachers and staff 8. Monsoon Picnic 7. President informed about the membership seminar on 25-08-24 and requested members to attend 8. Members discussed about a blood donation drive cum medical project on 11th September 9. It was suggested by Rtn. Anil Khalapurkar to provide vending machines of sanitary pads in schools where we have interact clubs. It was also suggested by him that willing interactors should be provided saplings for planting in their colonies. 10. Treasurer informed that RI dues were sent as per invoice. He gave the position of bank balance as under:- Admin Account Rs. 159766 Trust account3,02,767.71 (including Alta money of Rs. 1,44,850/- and deposit of Rs, 50,000/-) 11. Rtn. Subhash Agarwal proposed vote of thanks 12. Meeting was adjourned by president and members had contributory dinner at Salt & Spice