Family night - Fun and Team building activities

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 31 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 07:30:00
Location Sankalp Siddhi, Above Mihir Hospital Laxminagar, Khopoli.
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Family night - Fun and Team building activities
Meeting Agenda Minutes of last meeting on 24-07-24 Any point arising from minutes Details of Interact club installations Rtn. Sunita Details of book donation on 29-07-24 to KMC College Rtn. Hozeifa Details of financial assistance to student in Shishumandir - Rtn. Dr. Nalini Membership Development Discussion
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. After National Anthem and Four-way test (Read by Rtn. Dr. Nalini Ramaswamy), President welcomed all members. Birthday wishes were passed on to respective members and their family members. We had birthdays of 10 people, including rotarians and family members) during the month of July. One special cake, with the names of all these persons was cut to celebrate the birthdays of all these members 4. Secretary Rtn. Divakaran Pillai read the minutes of the meeting held on 24-07-24, and it was approved by the members. 5. Rtn. Sunita Chavan briefed the members about the installations of Interact clubs of Carmel school and Sahyadri Marathi medium school. She announced that the installation of Interact club of Ananda Shala was schedules for 01-08-2024 6. Rtn. Hozefa gave details of the donation of books to KMC College on 29-07-24, which was sponsored by Rtn. Divakaran Pillai. 7. Rtn. Dr. Ravi Tilak and his family were felicitated on behalf of the club with a bouquet for their new house. 8. Entertainment program was conducted by Rtn, Sunita Chavan, Rtn. Dilip Oswal and Ann Anita Oswal. Members participated and enjoyed the programs. Prizes were given to the winners. 9. After expressing thanks to the host Rtn. Dr. Ravi Tilak and family and also all rotarians and their families for the participation, meeting was adjourned and all members and guests enjoyed the delicious dinner Read and passed on 07-08-24