Business Meeting

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 07 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 20:30:00
Location Rotary Community Hall, Bhanvaj
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Business Meeting
Meeting Agenda Minutes of last meeting on 31-07-24 Any point arising from minutes Details of Interact club installations Rtn. Sunita Medical project with Rtn. Sunil Patil RYLA on 31st Aug and 1st Sep Ganpathy idol making on 24th Aug Raksha Bandhan with Innerwheel club on 21st Aug Membership seminar on 25th August Membership development Plans Interact installations
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 16
Minutes of Meeting Minutes of the family meeting of the club held on 07-08-24 at rotary community hall at 8:30 PM 1. No. of Rotarians present: 16 2. No. of Anns/family members Present : 0 3. Meeting was presided by President Rtn. Milind Bodhankar. After National Anthem and Four-way test (Read by Rtn. Suresh Khedkar), President welcomed all members. Birthday wishes were passed on to respective members and their family members. 4. IPP Rtn. Dr, Savitri Raghupathy showed all trophies and certificates she received from the district for the rotary year 23-24. Members congratulated her on her achievement. 5. Secretary Rtn. Divakaran Pillai read the minutes of the meeting held on 31-07-24, and it was approved by the members. 6. Rtn. Sunita Chavan briefed the members about the installations of Interact clubs of Anand Shala and Janata Vidyalaya, Khopoli. She announced that the installation of Interact club of Yak public school was schedules for 08-08-2024 7. President Rtn. Milind briefed members about Raksha Bandhan with Innerwheel on 21st August, Ganapathy idol making on 24th August, RYLA on 31st August and 1st Sep. He gave details of membership seminar at Pune on 25th August. 8. Rtn. Divakaran Pillai informed that all the interact clubs are registered with RI site with the details of Interact chairman, Rtn. Sunita Chavan. He requested President to felicitate Rtn. Dr. Nalini Ramaswamy for helping the secretary in this process of registration. 9. Members discussed about increasing the strength of the club. Different names were proposed and Rotarians were requested to bring the prospects during our regular meeting as guests. 10. meeting was adjourned and all members and guests enjoyed the delicious dinner. IPP Dr. Savitri Raghupathy sponsored Kulfi during dinner.