12-08-2022 - 12-08-2022

Participation by Rotary Family in the Rally organized by Khopoli Municipalty, Khopoli Police Station for Celebrating Azadi ka Amrut Mahostav. Rotary Family (Rotarians, Innerwheel Club members, Rotractors, Interact Club members) shall participate in rally which shall cover Khopoli bazar peth area and back. Rotary shall arrange water and biscuits for the Interact club members participating in the rally.

Project Details

Start Date 12-08-2022
End Date 12-08-2022
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs 1. Innerwheel Club Of Khopoli 2. Rotaract Club Of Khopoli 3. 5 Nos of Interact Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Khopoli Mucipal Council Khopoli Police Station
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention, Special Projects