17-08-2023 - 17-08-2023

Principal, Students and teachers all assembled in the seminar room. The Principal of the Polytechnic school had also attended the function. The children welcomed the Guests with a song followed by dance. Later students gave their speech after the prayer for the God Ma Saraswathi with lighting of the lamp was done. later the meeting was called to order, followed by installing of the new President of the Interact Club with her Secretary, Treasurer and BOD members. Oath was taken by all. All the Rotarians and the Principal of the school and the Principal of the Polytechnic college expressed their views. Rtn.Pillai told the importance of Interact and its connection with the Rotary. Rotaract in charge expressed the origin and beginning of International Interact Club to the children. with the Speech of the Chief Guest ended the meeting. Later meeting was adjourned,

Project Details

Start Date 17-08-2023
End Date 17-08-2023
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1100
No of direct Beneficiaries 1500
Partner Clubs Janata Vidyalaya School
Non Rotary Partners Janata Vidyalaya Interact School staff
Project Category