02-06-2024 - 02-06-2024

New born babies and very small children who have heart problem for such children heart surgery to be done at Khargar Hospital and donated Rs.51,000/- as a synergy project with RC Pune Airport.

Project Details

Start Date 02-06-2024
End Date 02-06-2024
Project Cost 51
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs RC members of Pune Airport and President of RC Khopoli.
Non Rotary Partners Pune Airport members, President RC Khopoli, RC Sunrise, Swetha and Gurudas Patel, Pooja Chandani, Dinesh Shah, Geltec and many others have oarticipated in this project. Asters, Mainland spaces, Life Inspiration Advisory LLP.
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment